How To Pass The Prospect Monitoring Software

How To Pass The Prospect Monitoring Software

Applicant tracking software, or ATS Software, is used by many different types of companies. This system reviews applications and resumes for custom selected keywords that pertain to the vacant position. The more matches found, the higher the resume is ranked. Top-ranked resumes garner the attention of the human resources staff or recruiter, who then reads them. Interviews are set up and the position gets filled.

Much Like Search Engines

This is similar to the way search engines rank websites. The trick is for applicants to accurately anticipate the keywords and adjusting the resume accordingly. The software is versatile in capacities, but adheres to keywords literally. There are no allowances for verb tenses or grandiose statements. Resumes have to be concise.

One of the programmed keyword phrases is "organizing conferences", for example. A resume that includes "organized several conferences" will not show as a match. The tenses are different and there is a quantifier added to the phrase. While researching the company, pay close attention to the language used to promote it. There are no set keyword lists to go by, so use best judgment and wait for results.

Use Networking Sites

Another capability of the software is to search networking sites online for selected keywords. Find profiles of key company executives and look at how their experience, education, and job duties are described. Try to fit some of those words into the resume before submitting it. A company should always be researched before submitting an application packet. The difference is the focus is on guessing keywords instead of learning about the company history and goals.

Where Is the Resume staffing Going?

When altering a resume to suit the position, also keep in mind where the resume is going. This is essential because tracking software is available in different versions based on who will be reviewing the resumes. An entry level or temporary job may be handled by a temporary agency. If that is the case, staffing software will be tracking the application.

Other versions include recruitment agency software, and headhunter software that contains added features for talent analysis. Applicants who are not sure where to begin adapting to tracking software can consult with an employment agency of make use of the multitude of job seeker websites. Attempting to cater resumes to tracking software is a new skill that can be learned and practiced. Do not lose any sleep over it, do the best you can and go from that point.